Friday, October 24, 2008

Its time for Priscilla to have a holiday !

You know when you are no longer welcome.

We had been slightly woken at 5.30am by the bin men emptying the big bins (now you will never get that in the UK !). Breakfast was a quiet affair, and we were just deciding we would leave in about an hour. A cavalcade of French work men arrived, to cut the tops of the trees off. So the chainsaw was fired up and all hell broke lose when they started the industrial tree shredder. The noise was incredible, the whole village must have gone out for the day, and we were well on their heals.

Anyway its only about 38 km to Robert and Geoff's, or so we thought. The region must have a surplus of road repair budget, because they have decided to put works on every road in the area, many of them with diversions. We finally failed at the D610 and had to trun around to Carcasssone. So we are in every direction, even the lunch spot was a failure, lovely town, but no way we can Priscilla down to the car park. I am about to put my paws over my eyes and hum load noises, when I hear happy chat up front. We have arrived at Trebes, a planned destination but not in this order. And, moreover, the Aire which was supposed to be closed, had 18 motorhomes lined up, and its on the banks of the Canal du Midi, so we joined them. Having parked up on the tow path, we lowered the steps, and stepped out into 23deg, sun and blue sky's, although the dappled light along the canal was perfect.

We take a walk in one direction and come across the River Aude, which almost tries to cross the canal. Then we go the other way on come across the perfect place for Lunch. An old mill on the other side of the canal, and we find a bridge to get there, its at the big locks. I am greeted by the two dogs who live at the restaurant, and we go to a table under a canopy in the garden, and lunch is ordered. Its good too as I get a bit of the cold meats in the starter buffet, and I ensured I got some of the main course steak, although I was told I would not like the dessert (dumb I think not, they did not what to share !). It's so nice we decide to get out the chairs out of Priscilla and sit for over an hour at the waters edge. But all good things must come to an end, and we needed to move on, no matter how reluctantly. Off we go to Aigne, and when we get there we are greeted by our friends Robert and Geoff who help us carry what feels like half the contents of our home on wheels, (Guy has requested use of their washing machine, which is good, I don't want to travel with smelly humans).

It only seams like last week when I was here last, and it only takes me a few minutes to feel at home. but I am only on my 10th cuddle and fuss when they say its time to go out to a restaurant (no, I'm not going to be left on my own! and the I see my lead I hipeeeee I'm off to eat with my mates. Its dark as we drive to the restaurant which is on another part of the Canal du Midi, this time at Paraza. On arrival we are introduced to Robert & Geoff's friends Natalie and John (the Chef) who run the Cafe du Port. And I tell you we had some great food, even dads were raving about the quality but also the portion size (not something I ever mention, but it did mean I got more than just a crumb or two). Add to this we were eating outside at 9pm. As we eat this gastronomic delight, were entertained by a large frog hopping around the tables (now no racial comments please ! I know what your like !). It was a perfect first night, and if any one of you reading this and visiting this area, VISIT Cafe du Port, you will be glad you did, and don't forget to take your doggy with you (we also deserve the best). Thanks Natalie and John for your hospitality.

After my croissant breakfast, I joined everyone for a trip to Olonzac market, for dinner shopping. So many fresh goodies ended up in the bag, but I did have a bit of a funny turn, not sure what happened, but I got better later. A walk up a river bed was the way to get over a nice luch at home. I ended drinking so much fresh flowing water further up the walk, I ended with enough stock to mark trees for an hour (practice makes perfect !)

For dinner we were joined by neighbours Imogen and Joe who we met last visit. Such a nice couple as you could wish to meet, they talked and stroked me, and told me about there wedding earlier in the year, sounded like its was a great event, only thing missing was me......

Every thing was perfect, dinner was scrumpsious, company perfect (apart from Alan who got a bit gobby, you know alcoholic verbal diarraoea --- sad !) But everyone was ready for bed and a dark room. Thanks Imogen and Joe for your nice company.

Before I have another funny turn........bon nuit

Distance 48km
Total 1463km
Best diesel price €1.13
Tolls on sector €0