Thursday, October 23, 2008

Goodbye Little Engalnd

Well it was a chilly night, dads said it was down to 4deg, no wonder I had such a good sleep just my kind of cool.

The blood red bushes up the middle of the motorway

My morning constitutional was very nice, we sniffed along the river, the mist still lying low over the water, on a crystal clear start to the day. Met a little French dog, bit yappy but I stayed cool. By the time we got back, Guy had sorted out all the chores, and breakfast was ready. So we're off and its time to leave this part of France, (had to think then as there were so many people in the street speaking English) and travel south to the Mediterranean.

Its mostly motorway, to get the 360km behind us, but "TT" gets a headache soon after leaving, its a new bit of motorway joining to old bits. He knows nothing, so just keeps saying turn around or turn left-right in 200mt, but we all have the ability to ignore him when he has a turn now, just turn up the music!

We now pass the 1000 mile marker since setting off, I just manage to stop them pulling over to open a bottle of "bubbles", you know it's any excuse!

Its groundhog day, we get to the site just out Carcassonne, which is listed open to 31 Oct, and you know what I am about to say........shut. A chunter, laptop out, two other site possible, they choose the one listed as open all year (better safe than angry). Its only 20 km across town, so I settle down for the drive. When we get there (2.30pm) Guy goes to reception to find low season "reception open at 5pm". Chunter, lets look at the Aires in the locality. The first is in the village we are in, that's lucky I think, with my legs crossed. "TT" says turn left and you have reached your destination - don't think so, you may make it on a scooter or smart car. There's one in the next village, so off we go. Again directions are difficult (the French provide these great services but often its a Annika Rice challenge to find them). Lucky for us its Sunday afternoon and Guy can speak the lingo. He has no problem with two groups of ladies sitting chatting at the road side. There all very friendly and with there help we find the area, its part of this small villages sports facility. So this is Villeneuve Minervois, and its very pretty with its tree lines streets creating a canopy over the road.

We do a recky on my walk, and settle for a quiet evening, I'm going to have to get used to it, its 19deg at 8pm.....

The only other motorhome leaves 7.30am and we don't. But the first job my walk, means we go the boulangerie, and get my items for breakfast, I may let them have some, as they carry the bounty for me..

The rest of the day will be in the area, before we go to park up in Aigne and join Robert + Geoff who are flying in. Probably means tired eyes in the morning, but who cares, were on holiday.

Distance 360km
Total 1415km
Best diesel price €1.13
Tolls on sector €40.00