Saturday, October 18, 2008

Its the Weekend !

Well we may have been on the road yesterday for over 6 hours, today is going to be easier, just 80 km.

There was ongoing humour last night about us waking and being on the floor. We had parked up Priscilla on the pitch, which is a field, and dads
cannot be ars*** to level with the chocks. So we live on the tilt, soon to be rectified for them no doubt by the administration of liquid that effects your balance (so what's new there then!)

We survived, the only thing was the shower tray did not empty until we had set off, But what a morning, my walk took us to the next fields to the site (Camping Panorama), the sun was just up, and when we got to the main field you could see for miles over the Dordogne. There appeared to be a huge lake, but dad said it was the clouds trapped in the valley way below. I just started my walk as the dog next door was getting home. I have only seen him from a distance, and that is fine by me cus he's even bigger than me. A black and white Newfoundland, seems like a nice boy, but I'll not find out. The place is like a menagerie, with cats running across the field. Black chickens that dad says look like "Road Runner" who ever that is. A couple of other dogs with campers on the other side of the site (its only a small site max 45 pitches to ensure it always feels friendly.

Some pics then its off, first port of call (I'll give you one guess - its been a couple of days?) the Supermarket, time for a snooze, while they swim in the wine lake. Then its back to Tom Tom's act. A couple of mistakes where the road had been updated, so he thought we were in a field, or telling us to take the second exit at the island, but by magic it had gone. No motorways or tolls to day, were on local roads, and I could tell, my bits were getting bumped about - memories of Italy !

An hour later we were at tonight's site, but no one at reception,until 1500, so back to picnic area at bottom of tthe road for lunch. So nice, us and two other couple, sitting in the sun, with some fresh French bread (yum yum), then perfect peace ended. Two mini coaches with French school children turned up to eat their packed lunches. I have a question here, why do human children shout to each other even when they are standing side by side? When they had finished talking with full mouths, slamming the lids of the rubbish containers and beating each other up, they noticed me lying outside Priscilla door. So for the next five minutes they are meowing and barking at me, not sure what they expected me to do, so I just looked at them with an air of disdain. They got bored and left - perfect peace, cus the other couples had left as well and now there is only us.

Decision time - lets go into Perigueux, we have the code for the Aire de service in town so we can park free. Well it's only 20k, and we are here in no time, and the parking is on the edge of the river, just lovely I am sitting on the bank watching a boat that is training people to drive it, up and down, up and down, I am so glad I am a dog..

My fan club were evident in the fabulous medieval town, lots of well dressed French ladies lunching in town, and others window shopping. So nice that we have decided not to go back the site, but pitch here for the night, and I get to go to town this evening again.

So tomorrow we leave the mid Pyrenees and the Dordogne, and set off south to Carcassonne, ready to meet up with my mates Robert and Geoff.

Got to go, I need to look my best for promenading this evening.

Au Revior