Friday, October 17, 2008

Its a big drive day

Well it was a day of changeable weather

The day started with a beautiful blue sky and golden autumn sun, lunch was outside and as was dinner, but in between there was quite a bit of cloud. It was "take a brolly" into town just in case, but it ended as just in case - it stayed dry. Again it was great to have to go to town for technology, as we passed several patisseries, one of which I got them to pop into and divine pastry was on the plate for "High Tea"

My morning walk was in a delicate mist (fog to some ), along the bank of the Loire river, the dew dripping from every tree and shrub ( and me by the end of the walk). Then after a quick breakfast it was off for what was described as a "long one", they know I get itchy paws if we travel for too long in a day !

BUT as is the want of TOM TOM we were into an early "U" turn. Our destination is south of Limoges, so they decided there was a couple of routes. One was the one from last year, heading towards Bordeaux. The other a bit across country, and it was this they plugged for. It was just 8 km before he had all of us with raised blood pressure. Turn right in 100 mt - yes ok - there is a sign "max height 2.5 mt" now we have been here before as all of you will know. So the bridge over the Loire was out. We turned round and went back to Saumur and did a "manual" route out (T T had been muted !).

It was a bit of a journey, a lot of it on "A" roads across country picking up motorways from time to time. It was made worse because the whole of the French military were on manoeuvres, on our road. So it was a long time before we could get passed mini tanks and dozens of their vehicles.

So the 400+ kms were slow, but the scenery was spectacular. The central reservation of the motorway was one of the best, the autumn had turned mile on mile of the shrubs blood red, and the rolling hills were worth the journey.

So into the Dordogne, and dads said it was known as little England, as so may Brits live here, and no wonder with scenery like this. And the villages are well equipped with many restaurants and shops that would appeal. And we are now in the Dordogne valley and its getting better.......until we get to the site for the night ...and ITS CLOSED... *???!!!***??? (this is not English language as I know it) A quick booting of the Laptop and they have found another, luckily just 3km back along the road. The Dutch owners are very friendly, and complement Guy on his French - just one of his skills !. The site is called Panorama, and the views across the area are magnificent.

We are all set now, dinner is under way, we are going back north tomorrow, to stay over in Perigueux, before our journey to the south coast.

I leave you with a picture I received today on my e.mail. Its Bracken, a chocolate brown Labrador puppy that has just joined my neighbours family back home. She is one a only a few puppies I have ever been happy to get close to (puppy - think poo, milky smell, sharpe teeth they like to embed in you, and they get more attention!)

Once she grows up, I bet she will like living next door to a big handsome fella like me !!

night night.............

Distance 410km
Total 975km
Best diesel price €1.28
Tolls on sector €17.80