Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our last day in Languedoc

Its so nice to have space to sleep, it makes getting up in the morning hard to do, but this luxury is running out, back to Priscilla tomorrow.

But I am not going to go on a downer, lets start the day. Breakfast, then round to Imogene and Joe for a chat about the best places to go when we get down to Southern Spain ( they went down there and have hot tips for us - sounds interesting !)

Lunch is at the restaurant I ate at on the last trip, its in the centre of Narbonne, and all enjoyed it. Then some shopping and I went into my first book store, could not find the canine section, but who cares, I like shops. I was waiting outside a men's fashion shop with Alan, while the rest were buying some new clothes, All of a sudden one of the girls came out and told us we should come in, its not right for dogs to be denied shopping therapy. So how boring is looking at clothes ? Just get one good fur coat, and spend your life doing something more fun....

We arrived back for afternoon tea, a surprise box of patisserie, and then I heard a muttering about wine. Here we go I thought. We ended up at a "cave" in the village belonging to Thierry. He showed us around a very high tech wine production facility. Well you can imagine they were all in their element. Thierry would draw off a glass of coloured liquid, which was then dumped in a drain. He then pulled another glass that was passed around. They all hummed and aghed and said things like "magnifique", and passed the glass around. I just did not get the point! Anyway we left with four large boxes and some complimentary bottles. The four boxes were marked with "10 litres" and pictures of grapes on each one - I fear the worst! but I guess the wine lake may be lower !
This is what they do when they go shopping !!

I have decided that if its that god maybe I should look into the world of wine, so you will see from the pictures, I have been putting the expert advice given by Thierry, and an sniffing the bouquet of a glass over lunch ! ( could be a slippery slope and it will be a bowl of Gin + T at the end of the day !!)

I quiet dinner, a fond farewell in the morning. I am debating asking for an early return to blighty with Bob & Geoff, but think the better of it, and we begin the next leg of our big adventure. The fact it is grey and pouring with rain, it feels like we are just leaving London, but within an hour, the sky's are blue and the sun is out, so here we go, we are hurtling towards Spain ( yes we have turned RIGHT - I am not going to wear a mussel in Italy - our 2 month euro spending will not be helping the Italian economy - pity such a nice country )

One for Kenny - bet you wish you had one like this !

So it will be Viva Espagna

(I'll get my maracas oiled !!)