Saturday, October 25, 2008

Viva Espagna

Its not long before the sky's begin to lighten, and we head for a stop south of Perpigon, before leaving France for 6 weeks or so.

Our destination is around the Fitou wine region (where else!!). We try for an Aire but again the streets all say max 3.5 tonne, we cannot get near, so settle for a nice site called Camping Florida at Elne. The site is Ok, we are sharing with about 6 others, although quite a number of the static permanent mobile units have quest still. We set up, and take a look around. There are a number of shops, including a supermarket about 200yds up the road, but they decide we do not require anything (mark the calendar!), I am shown an little wooded area the size of small traffic island "Dog Loo" how quaint, pity the owners of previous users had not cleaned up. Still in the heat it will soon dry to dust !!! Not a pleasant spot, but the fact these owners don't every clean up, better in one spot. Dad takes me to a large field next door, I get a run, do my bit and of course dad sorted it. I thought I might get a bit of "Sport" in. In a field next to the site was the local "Chien Training Centre", and there were about 10 dogs strutting their stuff, all sitting in a line, waiting for their turn. Now I thought, what if I popped in how long would they stay in that line, could be FUN, I thinks dads had read my mind as I was lead away, spoil sports..........

There are only a couple of strange reports , we still don't know why an old guy with an old crash hat, on a old motor scooter, kept appearing every 30 mins or so all afternoon and evening. It was like an irritating fly, you just think its flown off when its back, strange.... The other was similar, in the fact that a Dutch couple who arrived in a little van, decided to ride there cycles up and down all the road on site, suppose if you have a bike you have to ride it !! (glad i'm a dog ! - I am always intrigued by the eccentricities of Humans !)

One night and we are off to the boarder. its a grey morning again, but we live in hope. Its only 30 mins to the French/Spanish boarder, most of the way we are passed my dozens of motorcycles. And as the day goes on more and more, we learn its a big bike event in Valencia, and half the biking population seem to be with us on this road.

Past Rosas and Le Estertit, where we stayed last trip, and onto one of our favourite spots Camping Ametlla, with the rocky coves, an area of protected natural land and sea, so its a two night stop, and as I write this its 26.5 deg and guess what the sky's blue too, so you will have to excuse me, I'm off to the beach, get my paws wet. Its down past the Olive groves which dad said are ripe for picking and soaking, but then again he could do the easy thing and get the ones out the fridge..

Just before I sign off,a little something for my mate Stephanie, just to let you know I am sharing the site with a family of about 7 cats and kittens, they have been looking at me through the hedge, and have even been sneaking up to my bowl to get at my food (not that I mind its just the dog food) they must live somewhere on site.

If I could attach some of the sun to this blog, but it may take to much to download it, its Mickey Mouse wifi again......

More news when I have some


Distance 410km
Total 1873km
Best diesel price €1.05

Tolls on sector France €15 Spain €20