Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bet you wish you were here !

Day 2 and "oh dear", it's 26deg again, just been to the beach again. Smart arses thought they could set me up with a large wave splashing me when it hit the rocks. Who's the daft one - I'm dry they got wet, don't underestimate my powers...

Guy did a bit of smooth talking to the reception lady, as they had a range of food and drink moved into the reception area over winter when they close the supermarket. Most drink but no Gin, smiles a little Spanish chat, and she's OK, offered to get the key and open up the supermarket just for dad, and tonight campers its the real thing - Gordon's (what ever that means!).

Late afternoon a new resident arrives in a little van, its got stickers of cats, dogs, and butterflies all over - (it takes all sorts). It turns out to be a really nice Dutch lady on her own, travelling with her two little dogs who just yapped and yapped at me. I just sat down and ignored them while Alan chatted. She thought I was so good not to be troubled by her noisy pair, (I've been nipped before when trying to meet "little" dogs, so I know its best to ignore). When we got back dad was laughing, saying not only did she have al the animal stickers over her Van, but had something else. She had told dad about her last dog, a spaniel I think, who died last year. She just cannot bear the thought of leaving him at home on his own, so she has his ashes in a special urn in a special place in the van with her (did say its takes all sorts !!)

Thought it would be nice to add some of these stickers to Pricilla, not run it past dads yet though !!

It's also a weekend, and several Spanish families have turned up, to enjoy the weekend, so the volume has gone up, I am beginning to wonder if Spanish dogs bark louder as well, I will have to test the theory one day.

When we wake its winter time - yes the clocks went back that's all its still sunny!. We move off today, so after breakfast, its time to hit the road.

Last year the next spot in reverse order) was Kiko Park, where they had the bust up in the restaurant, so guess what, we aint staying there this time. A little further down the coast in a town called Javea, is Camping Javea (must of taken a long time to think that up!).

In the instructions of how to get to the site its said "take the first exit on the island next to McDonalds". Now I know your one step ahead here, I don't think it meant drive through the car park, stop and go inside to get instructions, and while there may as well have a burger !! but they did. Well got the burgers, anyway. It also gave Tom Tom a break from trying to speak Spanish which he rubbish at, it must have given him one of his usual headaches, as he was trying to get us to go down about 6 dead end streets, in fact after face stuffing, he was not turned back on.

After setting up, I get chance to see if there's any mates about, and by the smells there must be dozens. Lots of humans talk to me and I had them coming to Priscilla to meet me (must be the jungle drums!). Its a nice site, huge swimming pool, lots a kiddie things, and a bar (probably do karaoke) lots of long stay English, in fact you have to keep looking at the brochure, otherwise you think your in England.

My walking area is through the orange groves so very pleasant citrus smells, thousands of oranges ranging from ripe to green, some of which I manage to knock off while trying to get a better sniff factor !

Still its time to settle, and dads are happy cus they have the cheapest internet known to man - 60cents for 24 hours. I drift off to the clicking of keyboard and mouse (just get my blog uploaded)

Distance 340km
Total 2213m
Best diesel price €1.05

Tolls on sector € forgot