Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I hope we dont get stranded in town !

We have a job on this morning so we are eager to get away, but on this site we have to wait for staff to unplug us. In their own time they arrive for the 1 minute job, and we can get off.

We have to go to Benidorm, I just hope we don't get stranded just imagine having to do my blog from this metropolis. We noticed a huge chip in the windscreen, a couple of days ago, and dads thought it would be wise to try to get it fixed before its cracks fully on these bumpy roads. Its the same company as Autoglass in UK, its CarGlass here. We find the shop, and they are very friendly, Guy has to practice his Spanish a bit, and within 30 mins we are done, fixed by a very nice Spanish man. Not to ever miss an opportunity, at the end of the road there JUST happens to be a Carrefour Supermarket (knock me over with a feather, not a shopping opportunity !). They are gone quite some time, when they get back they say its the biggest and best they have ever been too (and as you know that must run into thousands !!), a trolley load is secreted into Priscilla's undercarriage, while I have a sniff along a grass and tree bank, so nicely mown, for me to do my sniffing research. A bite to eat then we are off, Alan decided we should go into the interior, so we head for Fortuna, the town next to Alan's sisters villa. Its been famous for its spa waters since Roman times. The site is large, all exterior walls are custard yellow, very Spanish. There is a large restaurant, and the swimming pool is huge (and full), hot water from underground pumps into the pool, so its a bit like the film Cocoon, quite a lot of older people in towelling bathrobes shuffling to the pool. I might send my two old codgers to see if the waters can cure them (suppose only if they put some spirit into it !!). As residents its €4.5 each to use the pool. It is open to visitors at €6.80 each. Its over 28 deg, in the shade - just thought I would say that !

Across the way is a German motorhome, and they have a doggy travelling companion, but its hard to believe he's bigger than me, some sort of Mountain hound, grey and white, I not too sure, but they say he likes to play, but we did not get time to find out, we just looked at each other from afar. We also are next to an English guy who we have a long chat with. He spends a lot of time in Spain, so had quite a few tips. One is a mobile broadband service, which dads are now going to look at. especially as its €10 to log on here, so we will not be uploading today, I think I heard dad say something about a guy called Dick Turpin. Alan said the owner looked like Michael Winner with bling ! there's also a moan about the fact you only got a dish of nuts with your drink in the bar if you are Spanish !! do they care, NO they have better nuts of their own !
They said he was playfull, but not sure !

TV has the weather forecast on and it does not look good for a couple of days, so lets see what tomorrow brings.

Well back at the Keyboard, I can tell you its overcast, as we leave Camping Fuente. Its a 90 km run to our long stay site, Los Delfines (you will remember this site from my blog earlier this year. On the last 40 km of Motorway, we had only 4 other cars, you can imagine dads whining about how all roads should be like this !!. Of course when were here in February, the owners said that they would have the swimming, bar, cafe, and wifi installed by the summer. And is it - well you guess, clue this is Spain !

I have caught up with my friends who live on site, so we are now settling down for some 3 weeks here. There's a car on the way in a couple of days (just hope its got enough room for my comfort !).

So until I get them to sort out my technology there will no pictures uploaded, but I will keep you up to date with "Adventures in a Hire Car"

PS just saw pictures of snow in London on the telly. I checked out of the window here, but could not see any. Dad says it's 26 degrees celsius here, whatever that means:)

Distance 220km
Total 2433m
Best diesel price €1.05

Tolls € 15