Sunday, November 2, 2008

Take a deap breath - its Spain

Well I have found the effort to paw the keyboard, to update my friends on life in Spain. Its so laid back I have taken the local rule "it'll do tomorrow".

Dads have no problem with the concept though, must take years to master!.

Recent example, we have a deluxe pitch with it's own shower/loo/washing up block. When we pitched we found the whole lock bust (in fact dad said the whole inside of the lock had fallen apart), we told reception, and nothing for a couple of days. Then a man arrived with a wheelbarrow at 5pm, took out the lock (don't bother unscrewing - drill them out!. Then took off the lock from the next unit, then put that back,then took off a third lock, before putting them all back and sorting our out, by now 6.30pm, think he may have to comeback to the other lock "tomorrow".

What a night last night! Rain started about 4pm, drizzle, so no problem we had dinner outside under the canopy. But as the night went on more and more rain. 14 hours, and at 4am Alan had to get up and sort out the canopy, as the wind came back. Guy and I pretended to be in deep sleep. But now Sunday morning we are having a full English, outside in the sun under a crystal clear blue sky and its 22 deg. How's England ?

Now I have to tell you I have seen it all. There is a French couple staying on site, and yesterday they were returning from the beach with their towels, AND A CAT ON A LEAD! And it was walking and sniffing as it went. Now I'm into equality, but it may be going too far to have cats going on walks, but I suppose there less poop scooping with a cat !

We have been out in the "little red car", I went on a sort familiarisation trip, (which surprisingly had a supermarket half way round)!. And guess what, the cheapskates, have rented a car with NO power windows in the back, I kept tapping the window but nothing happened. Then they said I had to wait till we stopped so they could "wind" it down !. So a poor persons car, & I have to do without instant access to wind in my fur.

They did a bigger trip (without me, I stayed - upside down on the bed with the aircon blowing over me) to get another mobile broadband dongle (Vodaphone or something ) as there is no WiFi here for my blog. Their UK 3 dongle is £3 mb this is €0.30 mb (hope that means something to you, I have just glazed over while being told).

They used the motorway to get there and this time there were 3 vehicles on the road. They said they could have given up getting the dongle, they were sent to three different Vodaphone shops, all said they did not do what they had seen in a mobile phone catalogue. In the end they found a counter at Carrefour supermarket (are you surprised, I just yawned !) they decided to buy one, then tune "Spanish" sale started, paperwork, passports, form filling, more keyboard tapping, more forms, then they took the credit card, returning it with sheets of paper. They were told then to go to Carrefour customer service desk at the entrance, and we would get a receipt ???? When they got there, queued, it began again, passport, forms signatures, and in the end more paper and A RECEIPT, apparently they almost had no enthusiasm to do shopping (well ever the comedians!)

Good job they did not try buying it yesterday, it was a national holiday, "the day of the dead" every one goes to the cemetery to remember those who have passed on, and the florists have big displays in there shops. If they started this in Uk, we could have the catering franchise at the cemetery next door to us, what a party !

However, a couple of Spanish families obviously don't have anyone passed on, as they have arrived in a couple of caravans for the weekend. Sounds like they may be dancing on graves, cus they are having a "loud" family gathering, but they are Spanish only the wind and rain could dampen the ardour.
Back to my spot outside, more news from the front soon

Distance 0km
Total 2433m
Best diesel price €?
Tolls € 0