Thursday, December 11, 2008

Competion day

Its changeable weather

The wind has returned overnight, and I had the problem of wind up the tail ! (different to wind DOWN the tail !)
Alan got up at 4am to wind the canopy back in so we could get some sleep without the flapping fabric.

By lunch it was blue sky again, but there was a bit of an edge in the temperature as there is still a bit of wind, and the forecast is for more wind from the snowy mountains in the north, oh well even paradise has off days.

This is a picture of us yesterday, when we had just the perfect afternoon, afternoon refreshment, but they don't do the "tea" !

Its now Thursday, and the wind has dropped quite a bit, and there are NO clouds, so we are out and about, I am more than a bit frisky, and dads not happy cus I forget while I'm on my lead I shoot of to sniff or see another dog, and he nearly losses his arm with the tug !. He says he going to get me a large dose of bromide, not sure if I should be worried ?

The sun glistens across the bay, beautiful afternoon.

Now we have a competion.........

What did Alan say when he noticed this had be put up at reception ?

I am not giving any clues cus I think most of you will get it first time, all I will say is it would only be on telly after 9pm !!

Back to my shady spot by my little car, we are going to have a restful afternoon in the sun (Alan's a bit under the weather with a throaty bug - and he can keep it to him self !)

Not a lazy afternoon, we are just back from the locals bar at Isla Plana, quite this afternoon, but that was OK cus there was more sun for us....

On the way back we went past a house that always makes them smile, its a new house in the posh villa area, what do you think ? maybe a little over the top !