Thursday, October 16, 2008

A welcome return to Honfleur

Well we made it, we have left England for a couple of month's and our first stop of course is a favourite, Honfleur. We have forgotten and forgiven the grumps we had on one of our last visits. We for the first time got electricity and water on the Aire, so all looked good. But and you know there has to be a but, dads could not get a "free" Wifi signal. The hotel who allowed the service was not available and the pay service at the other hotel was so weak, they decided they would abstain.

So not blogging, meant we had time to go into town, its only 5 mins from the Aire, so in no time we are in the lovely little town, we did not go along the banks of the Seine to the sea this time, just strolled around the harbour, until a nice restaurant took their fancy, and who am I to object. 2 carafes later they were OK but I was disappointed as they shared their nice French bread with me but NO BUTTER, will have to get them to carry some with my poop bags, so we don't get caught short again. We left in the drizzle to return to Priscilla.

Dads were saying how pleased they were to have got to the Eurotunnel early and offered the earlier train. At the moment because of a fire a couple of weeks ago, there is only one train every 90 mins instead of every 20 mins. So we arrived in France at 1530 French time. This allowed us to get here before total dark ( I wondered why the concern, only to hear that they had not stuck on the headlight deflectors on before we left, they were still on the dash !!) But it was a grey dismal drive, just a gloomy journey, that ended with drizzle.

But we are here now, I did have a sniff at the doorway to my doctors clinic, safe as I knew it was closed. I get another sniff in the little park next to where we are parked, then its time to retire (which is dads code for get the gin out !! they think I am daft )

A restless night for us all, we always take a few days to get used to living in a smaller space ( especially me as I have to sort out where to get enough floor space to stretch out,, and there a lot of me. We were stirred by a car blasting its horn, and a few choice words were uttered (some by choice sounds by me too). However in the end it was to our advantage (had we have taken it) It was a man selling fresh bread, and things for breakfast, he had his boot open, waiting for customers. Not many, not sure many people knew what he was doing or perhaps they did not want to venture out as it is raining cats and dogs (what a stupid saying !!) So it looks like its a not so nice day one in France, but lets see....

You have all seen the pictures we have done of Honfleur before, so no more here, but I will share some pictures I was sent yesterday by my favourite French girl in London, Valerie. I know you all go daft and gooey when you see a puppy, well I have a new cousin down in the South of France (which will mean I will also have a reason to visit more often)

Djoye is his name and has just joined his new family Valerie's sister and he certainly is following a good looking tradition.

Hope you like

Uncle Leopold.

Distance 262km
Total 262km
Best diesel price €1.38
Tolls on sector €20